Monday, November 15, 2010

So Today has been a long day. So I'm getting this post out a little late. aka the next day :)  

today I went to school, work and watched one of the best movies ever ( called The Gamers: Dorkness Rising )  Oh and went to American Sign language class! but other then that not to much going on. 

 In other news have you ever wondered what the 9 batman's looked like back to back to their normal selves? Check it!

Last link for tonight. These two people ether have a ton of money or know the right people. Around the world in 80 weddings. (the same couple got married 75 times in 12 different countries in 5 months.) wow. Check it!

Thats all for tonight. I have to get up early for a business meeting. Hoping I can pick up a copy of the brotherhood assassinating creed. Fingers crossed that gamestop will have it in stock.  With all that said I'm now off to bed. 

Goodnight my lovely readers,
Thanks for reading
Love you

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