Friday, November 12, 2010

random randomness

So in random randomness.... Has any one els noticed that ThinkGeek has gone crazy with the Lego stuff?
17 new items have been added to the thinkgeek wedsite this past week and all of them where Lego sets or some sort of Lego game. Don't get me wrong I love Legos with all my heart, I grew up with the shiny little blocks. But 17 is quite a bit for one week! :)

In other news still have my movie idea on my mind. for those (meaning most) who don't know I'm trying to make a movie. Its definitely in its early stages of its devilment, but should be super cool...can't say to much right now since nothings set in stone.  

AHHH I just have so much to do! Does any one els see how easy adults have it! I mean I'm trying to balance school and a job and a social life AND random hobbies! Adults just have the last three on their aged mind! Sigh... but who am I to complain I have some of the most amazing friends, an awesome job, a great school, and some really fantastically nerdy hobbies... So truly I have no right to complain.

In other other news
Heres a video that sent shivers down my spine. Soooo beautiful but soooo sad, Check it!
Abandoned Six flags-New Orleans

Thanks for reading
Love you

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  1. I have added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit my blog and become a follower also.
