Thursday, November 11, 2010

I feel so compelled

So I feel compelled to say like "Hi, Welcome to my life". I laugh cause I'm really not sure what I'm doing. I'm blogging because it looks fun. yeah.....hmmm well I guess I should introduce my self. (I mean I know you could just go read my info, but thats no fun!) So I'm going to give 10 random facts about my self

1) my name is Meghan
2) I love video games and most (meaning ALL) things nerdy!
3) I work for a video company called Visual Poet Studios. (no website for it yet..but coming soon I promise)
4) I play the piano and ukulele
5) I am an artist
6) I'm from Texas!
7) I have a theater in my basement
8) I'm scared of thunder and full size freezers
9) I have the best mom and dad in the world!
10) I love you and all the rest of the world!

so there you go! Now that we've met I can start telling you the rest of my life as it happens day to day!

Thanks for reading
Love you!

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