Sunday, November 14, 2010


Oh my I had the scariest dream ever!

I was taking a nap this after noon, like I do so often, and I dream that a frog ate my phone (witch I then stuck in my pocket, the frog not the phone) and then sat down and heard a loud *CRUNCH* (and it was not the sound of the frog dying) It was the sound of my Iphone, inside the frog, breaking in half.  To my horror I jumped up from my sitting position and looked at the frog, witch proceeded in spitting up the perfectly halved soaking wet cellular devise. (I started balling)  Thankfully I woke of from that horrible nightmare to find a hole Iphone sitting on my bed along with my new phobia of devise eating amphibians.

But I love dreams. I always have the strangest ones.  But there's something about dreaming that makes it so sociologically thrilling, like a rollercoster for your mind.  

Thats the only interesting thing I have to say for today. Still working on the "movie idea". definitely sill have a tone of work to do on it. But I'll keep y'all posted.  Other then that its just been work and school for me.

Oh on a nerdy side note. Really looking forward to Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood coming out soon, less then 36 hours... I think. So I plan on getting that. *laugh*  not that I'll have any time to play it.
So thats all for Sunday. Its getting, some-what, late so I'm going to go watch YouTube videos and go to bed.

Goodnight my lovely readers.
Thanks for read.
Love you.

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