Saturday, November 13, 2010

my artsy saturday.

Oh wow. Today was super crazy. I went to Lexington Ky this morning to go to an art workshop for the Governors Scholar Program (aka GSP)(or if your doing the arts its called GSA).  But the workshop was super fun! Met some really amazing kids that are even more amazing artists! So in this workshop we had to sculpt newspaper into the shape we wanted then add plaster on top of that to smooth it out.  Heres what we all did!
This is the half plastered hand that I made.

Heres it done!

one of the artist/students working on hers. 

One of the boys made Jack Skelllington in his "santaclaws" outfit!

No one really knew what this was. The artist called it "sticks in a basket"

A beautiful abstract piece. Can't wait to see this painted. 

Greek Mythological Caves. (looks like a floppy stonehenge!)  :)

This is a Ph'at or B'oenix (mix of a Bat and a Phoenix) I found this very funny!


She made two fishies and they kiss! soooo cute

 A creature...looks like a Pokemon!

A mermaid! 

So many fantastic artists in one room!  (The class) 

So that was my day. Very artsy.  Thats all for now.  Back to work. :)

Thanks for reading,
Love you
Megh"B'oenix" :P

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