Wednesday, November 17, 2010

C.D Black ops Vs. A.C Brotherhood: battle for multiplayer.


Ok so I bought Both these games yesterday. I haven't had a chance to play ether on single player.  So here is my so important opinion of their multiplayers. (Warning, I am biased)

Call of Duty: BLACK OPS: 
So first off I have not played the new "Zombie" mode yet, though I hear good things about it.
But the normal multi-mode doesn't seem much different from good old Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. The controls are generally the same, the fighting is fast paced. So over all for a first person shooter (or FPS) its pretty fun.

But with every good thing there are problems. First off finding a game SUCKS. I had to wait for what seemed like YEARS to find a game. And to some one like me thats been playing FPS, for a good portion of my life, it drives me up the wall! Second the maps are not balanced and hard to learn, That bothers me. Not all are that bad but some are very confusing.

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood:
Ok now its time for Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood to step into the ring.
I was really interested to see how Brotherhood's multiplayer would do. The Assassin's Creed games had been such a success due to it's solo campaign's, would the game transfer over to the online world? We've seen games that have been amazing single story games that tried to join the multiplayer world and failed (Bioshock 2's multiplayer as an example). So I went into Brotherhood with a heavy heart that it would fail too.

I was wrong.  A.C Brotherhood's multiplayer is amazing. its a fun unusual style of "cat and mouse" keeps you wanting more. Instead of running and gunning its all about blending and searching for your targets. It forces you to think like an assassin, blending in to the world so your "mouse" doesn't see you coming. While I played with friends, we all walked away with fun moments of tricking the enemy or getting that perfect of the roof top assassination. :)

On the negative side its game modes are a little confusing (little I mean lots). The first time I played me and my two friends assumed it was like Halo's "slayer" (most kills win the game) but after the fist half of the game (wondering why we where unable to kill any one) we soon realized that we were the "hunted" and only the "hunters" could kill. Once we had that figured out we regained our footing and won the game. My only other complaint would be that you only get one button (B) to do any of your assassinations (or "killings") with. So you can't choose to do any special moves (but they added plenty of different kill cut scenes to satisfy the hunger hunter.)

Over all I am enjoying A.C: Brotherhoods multiplayer more then C.D: Black OPS because its different and unusual and beautiful.

So I give:

9.0 --Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

7.5 --Call of Duty: BLACK OPS

So there is my review on these games, I'd love to hear how you guys feel about how these two game's multiplayers fair against other games.

Thanks again for reading
Love you

Monday, November 15, 2010

So Today has been a long day. So I'm getting this post out a little late. aka the next day :)  

today I went to school, work and watched one of the best movies ever ( called The Gamers: Dorkness Rising )  Oh and went to American Sign language class! but other then that not to much going on. 

 In other news have you ever wondered what the 9 batman's looked like back to back to their normal selves? Check it!

Last link for tonight. These two people ether have a ton of money or know the right people. Around the world in 80 weddings. (the same couple got married 75 times in 12 different countries in 5 months.) wow. Check it!

Thats all for tonight. I have to get up early for a business meeting. Hoping I can pick up a copy of the brotherhood assassinating creed. Fingers crossed that gamestop will have it in stock.  With all that said I'm now off to bed. 

Goodnight my lovely readers,
Thanks for reading
Love you

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Oh my I had the scariest dream ever!

I was taking a nap this after noon, like I do so often, and I dream that a frog ate my phone (witch I then stuck in my pocket, the frog not the phone) and then sat down and heard a loud *CRUNCH* (and it was not the sound of the frog dying) It was the sound of my Iphone, inside the frog, breaking in half.  To my horror I jumped up from my sitting position and looked at the frog, witch proceeded in spitting up the perfectly halved soaking wet cellular devise. (I started balling)  Thankfully I woke of from that horrible nightmare to find a hole Iphone sitting on my bed along with my new phobia of devise eating amphibians.

But I love dreams. I always have the strangest ones.  But there's something about dreaming that makes it so sociologically thrilling, like a rollercoster for your mind.  

Thats the only interesting thing I have to say for today. Still working on the "movie idea". definitely sill have a tone of work to do on it. But I'll keep y'all posted.  Other then that its just been work and school for me.

Oh on a nerdy side note. Really looking forward to Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood coming out soon, less then 36 hours... I think. So I plan on getting that. *laugh*  not that I'll have any time to play it.
So thats all for Sunday. Its getting, some-what, late so I'm going to go watch YouTube videos and go to bed.

Goodnight my lovely readers.
Thanks for read.
Love you.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

my artsy saturday.

Oh wow. Today was super crazy. I went to Lexington Ky this morning to go to an art workshop for the Governors Scholar Program (aka GSP)(or if your doing the arts its called GSA).  But the workshop was super fun! Met some really amazing kids that are even more amazing artists! So in this workshop we had to sculpt newspaper into the shape we wanted then add plaster on top of that to smooth it out.  Heres what we all did!
This is the half plastered hand that I made.

Heres it done!

one of the artist/students working on hers. 

One of the boys made Jack Skelllington in his "santaclaws" outfit!

No one really knew what this was. The artist called it "sticks in a basket"

A beautiful abstract piece. Can't wait to see this painted. 

Greek Mythological Caves. (looks like a floppy stonehenge!)  :)

This is a Ph'at or B'oenix (mix of a Bat and a Phoenix) I found this very funny!


She made two fishies and they kiss! soooo cute

 A creature...looks like a Pokemon!

A mermaid! 

So many fantastic artists in one room!  (The class) 

So that was my day. Very artsy.  Thats all for now.  Back to work. :)

Thanks for reading,
Love you
Megh"B'oenix" :P

Friday, November 12, 2010

random randomness

So in random randomness.... Has any one els noticed that ThinkGeek has gone crazy with the Lego stuff?
17 new items have been added to the thinkgeek wedsite this past week and all of them where Lego sets or some sort of Lego game. Don't get me wrong I love Legos with all my heart, I grew up with the shiny little blocks. But 17 is quite a bit for one week! :)

In other news still have my movie idea on my mind. for those (meaning most) who don't know I'm trying to make a movie. Its definitely in its early stages of its devilment, but should be super cool...can't say to much right now since nothings set in stone.  

AHHH I just have so much to do! Does any one els see how easy adults have it! I mean I'm trying to balance school and a job and a social life AND random hobbies! Adults just have the last three on their aged mind! Sigh... but who am I to complain I have some of the most amazing friends, an awesome job, a great school, and some really fantastically nerdy hobbies... So truly I have no right to complain.

In other other news
Heres a video that sent shivers down my spine. Soooo beautiful but soooo sad, Check it!
Abandoned Six flags-New Orleans

Thanks for reading
Love you

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Minecraft real world

Ok so I know I just posted....but I just found this! and omg I want one!  YAY for minecraft dirt cubes (for those who don't know minecraft is a computer game where you can explore/create worlds and all the fun that goes along with that) I saw this on (best website for artist to share stuff they've made and sell them.)  (midecraft-tise! if this doesn't make you smile then I don't know what will!)

(buy the dirt cube here --> GRASS CUBE)

Thanks for reading!
Love you

I feel so compelled

So I feel compelled to say like "Hi, Welcome to my life". I laugh cause I'm really not sure what I'm doing. I'm blogging because it looks fun. yeah.....hmmm well I guess I should introduce my self. (I mean I know you could just go read my info, but thats no fun!) So I'm going to give 10 random facts about my self

1) my name is Meghan
2) I love video games and most (meaning ALL) things nerdy!
3) I work for a video company called Visual Poet Studios. (no website for it yet..but coming soon I promise)
4) I play the piano and ukulele
5) I am an artist
6) I'm from Texas!
7) I have a theater in my basement
8) I'm scared of thunder and full size freezers
9) I have the best mom and dad in the world!
10) I love you and all the rest of the world!

so there you go! Now that we've met I can start telling you the rest of my life as it happens day to day!

Thanks for reading
Love you!